
Hogwarts Legacy: 8 Tips and Tricks to help you defeat your enemies in combat faster

Here are some pointers to keep in mind when handling combat in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy is fairly easy to moderate when it comes to combat, irrespective of the mode you’re playing on. It is currently offered in 4 different difficulty modes- Story, Easy, Normal and Hard. Regardless, there are certain things which will help you finish off your enemies faster, given that the necessity of it has been built into the gameplay of it. Here are some of the most helpful tips to forward your gameplay faster.

1. Know your enemy

This is probably the most important one as learning the weakness of your enemy will help you design your strategy to defeat them. Hogwarts Legacy has a variety of bosses that you’ll get to face in the game. However, they each have their own individual, exclusive methods of attacking you, as well as their weaknesses to spells in your arsenal. 

The Inferi are most vulnerable to Incendio, Confringo and Bombarda

For example, some of the more dreadful spiders such as the Venomous Shooter or the Thornback Shooter, prefer to attack from a distance. So the best foot forward would be to attack it after you’ve positioned yourself close to it. As it is, almost all spiders are susceptible to fire, with Incendio being more effective in this regard than Confringo, Incendio is going to be a life saver for spiders scurrying up to you. The Venomous Matriarch on the other hand, attacks from a distance but is just as effective in dealing damage in close proximity. That’s where dodging its attacks while subsequently casting your spells comes to your rescue and that’s our cue to move on to point number 2.

To sum it up, you can learn more about the enemies that you’ve encountered  in the Enemies category of your Collection. Each card reveals vital information about the nature of your enemy that you can use against them. 

2. Time your shield charm

The best part about Protego or the shield charm is that every time it absorbs damage, the next cast is a very powerful Stupefy. The downside is that you cannot continuously hold the Protego shield, even if you aren’t casting any spell. 

When you use the Protego, you cannot sprint, nor can you cast any other spell, or even use the Ancient Magic at your disposal. Therefore you need to time your Protego shield in a way that you use it to block any attack as they are coming at you, instead of using it as a safety net all the time. The moment your shield takes the blow, it is time for you to give it back to the enemy. The Stupefy which follows the Protego is more powerful than the basic cast Stupefy, and can even break through charm shields of your enemies, represented by the yellow, red and violet orbs. 

3. Dodge control is your best friend

There are a couple of attacks from a particular set of enemies that even your Protego is not foolproof against. This is mostly relevant to the bosses higher up the ladder, for example the Matriarch Spiders or the Pensieve Guardian and the Protectors. In their case, the Protego is next to useless when it comes to defending yourself. Dodging their attacks is the smartest move available here so make sure you’ve gotten a good grip over this particular mechanism.  

4. Upgrade your gear

As you collect more and more collectibles, some of which will be wearables, you can change the way you look. However, dressing in Hogwarts Legacy is more about the combat, than fashion, which object affects your Offense and Defense points. You can also upgrade your gear at the Room on Requirement once you unlock it, by weaving in exclusive traits to help you in combat. 

In other words, keep a track of the new items in your closet as you progress through the game and collect more. Keep checking in to see how you can use what to increase your Offense and Defence points from time to time.  

5. Use your Talent points

Every time you progress by a level, you add a point to your Talents. You can use these Talent points to upgrade your spells and earn Mastery over them, You can even get a new Spell Set to be used simultaneously during combat. Do remember, that while it looks and feels nice to see that high number for Talents, it exists to be used and to make your attacks more powerful. Remember to check in every once in a while, and upgrade only those spells that you will use in combat. Do note that you can have a maximum Talent point of 36, with 38 Talents to be unlocked. This will make you short of 2 upgrades, and that is where you have to make your choice of which Talents to unlock. 

6. Know Your Spells

While Hogwarts Legacy isn't too elaborate when it comes to the different spells and its uses, and you can make do with a few specific ones, it is always best to keep customising your spell set in preparation of the enemies you face. For example, keep your Expelliarmus handy when about to face the Pensieve Protectors. Incendio and Confringo need to compulsorily be in your spell set when battling enemies vulnerable to fire like spiders and the Inferi. Some of your spells are more effective from a distance, while some others work at best when cast close-up. Again, you can make these choices only once you know your enemies in addition to being aware of the effectiveness of your spells.  

7. Keep those Wiggenweld handy

Having the Room of Requirement unlocked makes this much easier. If you have a ready stock of ingredients that you can gather easily from the Greenhouse or during your exploration, you can brew the Healing Potion yourself. Otherwise, you still have the Potions Classroom to brew the Wiggenweld whenever you want to. If not, you can always buy some from J Pippins Potions at Hogsmeade. Having said that, it is always better to have a good stock of Wiggenweld on you before you go face your boss battles. The maximum number of Wiggenwelds that you can carry at a time is 25. 

8. Save your Ancient Magic casts and Unforgivable Curses for the big ones

Here’s a pro-tip. Since both the Ancient Magic and Unforgivable Curses meters take more time to recharge, you cannot use it every other time you face an enemy. Therefore it is best to save them for the bigger, more dangerous enemies like the Matriarch spiders or the Trolls. While the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, is instant death, it is not effective for a number of enemies like the Pensieve Sentry, or even the final boss itself. Ancient Magic is the strongest, most powerful magic that you have at your disposal in these cases. It is best not to dissipate it off on the enemies that are more vulnerable.