
Hogwarts Legacy Castle Field Guide puzzles: Learn how to find the ones hidden in statues, torches, & moth paintings of Hogwarts

Collecting Field Guide pages are a quick way to add to your XP and game level. However, not all are readily available- you need to show your wizarding skills in order to collect them. Here's how.

A lot of players have noticed random artifacts in and around Hogwarts that are functional, indicated by the white outline, but don’t know what to do with them. We are talking about artifacts like this statue inside Hogwarts, and if you still haven’t figured how exactly they add value to your game, here’s where you can. 

Field Guide Pages

Avalanche Studios has gone big with open world and exploration in their latest game Hogwarts Legacy. Expanding on the magical world introduced to us in the Harry Potter series, Hogwarts Legacy has the added feature of the Field Guide.

It educates us about the various spots and haunts in and around Hogwarts, as you collect informational pages to add to your Field Guide. And what better way to do it, than not serving it to you on a platter. You have to solve puzzles, and actually think like a witch/wizard in order to do so. Additionally, collecting each Field Guide page actually adds to your XP, which is one of the fastest ways of increasing your level in the game, other than completing the main quests.

Castle Field Guide pages

You come across pages of the Field Guide as you move around in the game.  Sometimes they’re just flying around, and you can grab one with a swish of Accio. Some other times, they are just hiding there in front of you, waiting to be collected as Revelio reveals it. However, there are more such pages of the Field Guide that you can find in the game. Statues like the one in the image above are actually bearers of Field Guide pages. 


All you have to do in order to extract the Field Guides from these statues is to hit it with Levioso. The ball on the palm of the person in the statue lifts up revealing the Field Guide, as the statue disintegrates. You can go ahead and then add the page to your Field Guide using the collect control. 

Field guide puzzle orb statue demo


Field Guide pages are hidden in torches and braziers inside Hogwarts that have a similar white outline indicator. To reveal them, you need to light the torch or the brazier using a spell like Incendio or Confringo, and then go ahead and collect it. If the page is out of your reach, you always have Accio to summon it. 

Invisible Paintings

Casting a Revelio inside the castle will often reveal blank magical frames. These are also keys to pages of the Field Guide. The pictures in these frames appear once you cast Lumos, revealing a particular location in the castle. If you go to the location depicted in the painting, you will find a moth sitting somewhere around. Grab it with Lumos and guide it back to the picture with your wand. Once the moth gets relocated to the picture frame, you complete the puzzle and receive a Field Guide page as a reward. 

Pro Tip: For any puzzle involving moths, as you will find in main quest Helm of Urtkot, using Lumos to lure moths in is the best way forward. Look for the moth engraving, and you know that a moth is flying around somewhere, waiting to fit snuggly into it. 

To find out more about such fun and rewarding puzzles and mini-games in and around Hogwarts, check out our guide for the Arithmancy puzzle door, Chest with Eye of Disillusionment and more.