
Jett remains to be the top pick despite being nerfed in Valorant's ranked mode

The 7.04 patch update in the Valorant has nerfed the abilities of the extensively used Duelist agent Jett. Despite this, Jett's usage hasn't been affected much as it continues to remain the top pick.

The recently released 7.04 patch update in Valorant has nerfed the extensively used Jett agent. The entire Valorant community was in shock following the nerf of Jett as her dominating abilities in the game have been tuned down. The nerfs encompassed alterations to Jett's Cloudburst, Tailwind, Updraft, and Ultimate abilities. These adjustments appeared to pose a significant challenge to the Agent, as Riot appeared to be pushing players towards selecting alternative Duelists with reduced mobility.

According to the latest data released from Jett has continued to be used extensively despite a few of its abilities being tuned down. As ranked matches continue to pour in, valuable data becomes available for players to analyze, including the pick rates and win rates of each Agent in the Valorant roster. The win rate and pick rate of Jett have been going strong as per the analytics.

However, when it comes to higher ranks such as Radiant, Immortal, Ascendant, and Diamond, there has been a slight decline in the usage of Jett after the Nerf. Overall, there's a 2% drop in the pick rates of the duelist agent.

Nevertheless, the win rate of Jett has displayed some interesting variations across different ranks. In Radiant, the highest tier of Valorant play, Jett's win rate has experienced an uptick, rising from 50.2% in Act 1 to 52% in Act 2. When it comes to Immortal, the win rate has increased by 1% from Act 1 to Act 2, eventually stabilizing in Ascendant and Diamond, where it remains consistent between both Acts.

While it appears that Jett's influence in ranked matches has been somewhat controlled without entirely alienating her player base, the true impact of these nerfs on her performance in professional play remains uncertain. It would be important to see whether Jett would continue to remain the top pick of competitive esports players in the official esports tournaments or not.