
Apex Legends: What's new in the Apex community?

While initial speculation surrounding Alter's abilities drew comparisons to Wraith, it's become increasingly evident that their primary target is Horizon. This connection was solidified when Alter left a chilling message—"I'm here for you, deary"—on Horizon's legend portrait, indicating a personal vendetta or connection between the two characters. However, the nature of Horizon's relationship to Alter remains shrouded in mystery, leaving players to speculate about the true nature of their connection.

As the story unfolds and more details emerge, players are left to piece together the puzzle of Alter's motivations and backstory. With tantalizing hints and cryptic messages teasing at a deeper narrative, the stage is set for a thrilling showdown between Alter and Horizon in the Apex Games. So, buckle up and prepare for the twists and turns as the mystery unravels in Apex Legends!

The skies above Storm Point are ablaze with intrigue as Olympus, the iconic map from Apex Legends, has been sighted looming overhead in the lead-up to Season 21's launch. Map updates are a customary occurrence with each new season of Apex, and Olympus is poised for a refresh, particularly given its potential connection to Alter and Horizon.

While Olympus initially appeared over Storm Point, speculation abounds as to whether it will receive the much-anticipated facelift or if Storm Point itself is in line for a makeover. However, considering Storm Point received an update as recently as Season 19, a full-scale revamp seems unlikely at this juncture.

Adding to the excitement, leakers have recently unearthed details about a new map purportedly named District. Although it's not expected to make its debut until at least Season 22, the prospect of exploring a fresh battleground has sent ripples of anticipation through the Apex community.

With Olympus looming overhead and the promise of new adventures on the horizon, players are bracing themselves for an exhilarating season ahead in Apex Legends. So, prepare to dive into the fray and discover what secrets await in the ever-evolving world of the Apex Games!