Dota 2: What's new in Patch 7.36?


Dota 2's long-awaited patch 7.36 introduces a host of new features and changes that promise to shake up the game significantly. Here’s a breakdown of what players can expect:


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Key Additions and Changes:

  1. New Mechanics: Innate Abilities and Hero Facets
    • Innate Abilities: These are hero-specific abilities present throughout the game. They come in two types:

      • Unique Effects:
        • Faceless Void: Slows projectiles within a certain range.
        • Dawnbreaker: Reveals the entire map for a time once the sun rises.
      • Ability Levels:
        • Kunkka’s Tidebringer: Now has five levels, starting with a free ability point at level one and can be upgraded four additional times.
    • Hero Facets: These allow for more customization and alignment with specific matches or player preferences. Each hero has at least two facets that players can choose during Strategy Time:

      • Batrider:
        • Stoked Facet: Boosts movement speed and Spell Amplification after using an ability or item on an enemy.
        • Arsonist Facet: Allows Sticky Napalm to stick to buildings and deal extra damage.
      • Wraith King:
        • Summons skeletons.
        • Deals more curse damage.
      • Leshrac:
        • Restores mana with attacks.
        • Alters Diabolic Edict to explode faster without damaging buildings.

Balance Changes:

  • Hero Denies: Now grant experience to any hero who created the deniable debuff.
  • Mana Cost Reduction: No longer applies to abilities that drain mana over time.
  • Buffs, Nerfs, and Adjustments: Nearly every hero has received some changes, which means players will need to adjust their strategies and playstyles accordingly.

Content Update: Crownfall Act II: The Deserts of Druud

  • New Story Elements: Continuation of the Crownfall narrative with fresh plot points.
  • Cosmetics and Overworld Map: New visual items and a new map for exploration.
  • Characters and Minigames: Introduction of new characters and engaging minigames.
  • Surprises: Additional hidden elements and challenges for players to discover.

Patch 7.36 is a comprehensive update that not only brings significant gameplay changes but also enriches the Dota 2 experience with new content and mechanics. The introduction of Innate Abilities and Hero Facets offers deeper strategic layers, making each match more dynamic and personalized. Whether you’re a competitive player or someone who enjoys the narrative aspects, this update has something for everyone.