Everything you need to know about Starfield June 9 Update and Shattered Space DLC

Bethesda has released a significant update for Starfield alongside the trailer for the highly-anticipated Shattered Space DLC. The Starfield 1.12.30 update is packed with new content, bug fixes, and the long-awaited introduction of the Creation Studio, a powerful tool for modding that Bethesda fans are well-acquainted with from titles like Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

Key Features of the June 9 Update

  1. Trackers Alliance Mission:


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    • New Free Mission: Players are invited to the Trackers Alliance headquarters in Akila City for a trial mission to track down a starship thief.
    • Periodic Mission Releases: New missions for the Trackers Alliance will be released periodically. The second mission, The Vulture, is available for purchase immediately.
    • Creation Credits: Owners of the Starfield Premium Edition can claim 1,000 Creation Credits to access additional missions like The Vulture.
  2. Bounty Scanning and Mission Boards:

    • Bounty Scanner System: This new feature allows players to track down bounties for additional Credits, with the option to resolve situations peacefully or through combat.
    • Elite Trackers Alliance Mission Board: Offers additional tasks, providing players with more opportunities to earn rewards and engage in bounty hunting.
  3. Ammo Crafting:

    • Research and Crafting: Players can now research various ammo types at a Research Station and craft them at an Industrial Workbench, eliminating the need to scavenge for specific ammo types.
  4. Bug Fixes:

    • Guard AI Improvement: Fixed an issue where guards would give up their chase too easily.
    • Exploration Fix: Resolved a bug causing visited locations in space to appear undiscovered.
    • General Stability and Performance Enhancements: Various bug fixes to improve the overall gaming experience.

Shattered Space DLC

While details on the Shattered Space DLC remain limited, the first trailer has set the stage for an exciting expansion to the Starfield universe. Fans can expect new storylines, missions, and possibly new regions to explore.

Creation Studio

The introduction of the Creation Studio marks a significant milestone for Starfield, opening the door for a vast array of player-created content. This feature allows the modding community to enhance and expand the game with new missions, items, and potentially even new worlds.


The June 9 update for Starfield brings a wealth of new content and improvements, ensuring that players have plenty to look forward to while they wait for the Shattered Space DLC. From new missions with the Trackers Alliance to the powerful new Creation Studio and much-needed bug fixes, this update enhances the gameplay experience and adds new layers of depth to the already expansive universe of Starfield.